Melanated Minds Mental Health

Our Mental Health Program focuses on helping people in our community understand the effects that past trauma has on our everyday life. Working with people in our communities to first identify things in their lives that have caused traumatic experiences and working with them to find ways to release any bad energy that came with those experiences. Twice a month we partake in our Melanated Minds Mental Health Program, once a month with the youth and once a month with adults. Because of the lack of mental health institutions in inner cities it is very important for us to provide this service knowing so many of our people are dealing with mental health issues alone with very little resources and support. Once a month we host an upscale dinner with those in our community who are having a hard time dealing with their mental health issues. We eat together as one, share conversations and stories, we bring in resources, professional mental health specialists, & more.
This program is conducted by Mental health professionals & the MMMH Program Lead/Assistants

This activity furthers our exempt purpose by encouraging self sufficiency via mental health. Connecting those who do not have the resources to find mental health assistance to professionals within the community. This touches on Self Accountability in our Mudroots concept by holding ourselves accountable to self care along with Community Accountability.